Smart Mobile Energy
Case Study
The Challenge
Smart Mobile Energy explores the use of EVs at a building, district and city scale. This project developed and tested the business case for integrating V2G technology across three pilot cities, Birmingham, Berlin and Valencia.
The Development
The feasibility study included: –
- Profile EV use at a district and city level – understanding the potential grid impact of available storage and model this against district and city energy use profiles.
- Developed and tested the commercial and environmental business case at a building, district and city scale across the three Europe cities.
- Evaluate commercial benefits of V2G technology at city and district scale.
The Results
Integrating electric vehicles into the energy infrastructure at a building, district and city scale can create financial and climate change benefits. Vehicle-to-grid (V2G) technology is now proven and operating in Birmingham and demonstrates the impacts at the building level, however through the connection and control of multiple V2G installations district and city scale benefits can be realised.
Testing the business case in Berlin, Birmingham and Valencia will created an understanding of the size of the opportunity, identify any common or locally specific barriers and the actions required in order to deliver the integration of electric vehicles with V2G technology and energy systems at a district and city scale.