Sustainable Travel Solutions

Shared and sustainable travel solutions are an effective way to help you on your way to meeting Net Zero targets.

We are experts in helping make your transport and infrastructure strategies a reality, improving accessibility for all.

What challenges do you face?

There are several challenges in achieving sustainable travel solutions, and these challenges are primarily behavioural in nature. This means it’s not just about changing the behaviour of users, but also about understanding why people are moving towards decarbonisation. Additionally, it involves addressing the behaviour of decision-makers who have been influenced by the legacy of car-centric planning. Therefore, there is a need to shift their mindset towards innovative problem-solving approaches.

Another crucial aspect of sustainable travel is ensuring that people have proper access to urban environments.

It’s also essential to use the right data for informed decision-making, and equally important is the ability to access this data effectively.

On top of this, accessing funding is critical, but it’s equally important to use this funding correctly to support sustainable travel initiatives.

How can we help you?

Outlined below are the steps that Cenex would take to help you decarbonise your town or city:

  1. In the initial phase, our primary objective is to gain insight into your organisation’s current targets, strategy, and policy related to transport and travel.
  2. Our approach involves a comprehensive assessment to pinpoint any existing gaps in your transportation initiatives, helping us identify areas where improvements are needed.
  3. To provide you with the most accurate advice and solutions, Cenex will leverage its network of experts, who specialise in various aspects of transportation and sustainability, tailored to your specific needs.
  4. One crucial step in this process is conducting thorough research to understand the current transportation landscape and travel patterns in your area. This includes analysing transport infrastructure, population demographics, and usage trends.
  5. Additionally, we may employ surveys to gather valuable data directly from stakeholders, ensuring a well-rounded evaluation of your current situation and a more precise roadmap for improvement.
  6. Depending on the outcomes of our assessment, we might construct a feasibility case if required, followed by a detailed business case outlining the potential benefits and returns on investment.
  7. For public sector organisations, we are equipped to align our recommendations and business cases with the Department for Transport’s guidelines and funding criteria, streamlining the process of securing resources for your initiatives.
  8. Throughout this entire process, our goal is to equip you with the information and strategic guidance necessary to make informed decisions and advance your transportation and travel objectives effectively.


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Next steps

If you would like help implementing a strategy to decarbonise your town/city, simply fill in the form below and see how Cenex can partner with you to achieve your net zero goals.