Electric trucks for Rwanda

Case Study

The Challenge

OX, a startup automotive company, are developing a zero-emission purpose-designed electric truck for emerging markets that can carry both payload and people.

Roads in rural Rwanda are rarely paved, often with steep gradients; they are dusty in the dry season and muddy in the rainy season.

OX requested Cenex to log duty cycles in these complex conditions so they can design their vehicle accordingly.

The Development

Cenex deployed four Clear Capture devices to log the duty cycles (speed and altitude vs time) and driving styles of several 4×4 vehicles in urban and rural Rwanda. We then analysed the data captured during four months to develop several representative duty cycles for OX.

The Result

Cenex developed several representative duty cycles for a variety of driving conditions: tarmac and off-road, urban and rural, flat and hilly. OX is now using these to inform their vehicle design process.