
  1. Dispatching Electric Emergency Vehicles – Project RESPONSE Webinar Recording

  2. How Can Collaboration Create Smarter Logistics – Learnings from IUK Project SLICED Webinar Recording

  3. Introduction to Zero-Emission Waste and Recycling Vehicles

  4. Power Requirements for Charging Electric MHDV across Luxembourg Report

  5. Energy Transition in Luxembourg’s Logistic Sector Report

  6. BETT: Battery Electric Truck Trial Final Report

  7. Zero Emission Fleet Transition Tool

  8. Understanding the Business Case for Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Report

  9. Vessel-to-Grid – Revenue Streams and Vessel Archetypes for Bi-directional Charging of Electric Vessels

  10. The benefits of sustainable travel to local high streets and town centres

  11. Case Studies for Change – Installing Electric Vehicle Chargepoints in the UK