
  1. SuSMo Future Mobility on different sides of the Atlantic Ocean Webinar

    Sharing experiences and good practices around shared mobility.

  2. Real World Scooter Performance Study

    The performance of scooters under real world inner-city drive...

  3. Car Clubs : Electric and Engaging Webinar

    Decarbonising transport systems across Europe

  4. InclusivEV Policy Recommendations

    Electric Vehicle Car Clubs in Low Income Neighbourhoods.

  5. SuSMo Scooters in Sofia Webinar

    Sharing experiences on implementing regulations for e-scooters in Sofia.

  6. Transport in a climate emergency Keeping emissions low after Covid-19 Webinar

    Assessing a multi-vector energy system

  7. ULEV Experience: What we’ve learnt

    The Workplace Travel Service: ULEV Experience Programme

  8. British Local Authority Climate Declaration

    Local Authority climate emergency declarations came thick and fast...

  9. Cenex JIGSAW Modelling Tool Webinar

    Assessing a multi-vector energy system

  10. E-flex Report

    Moving towards more sustainable fleet management with V2G Systems

  11. Cenex REVOLVE Modelling Tool Webinar

    Optimising EVs and storage for consumer and grid

  12. Dedicated to Gas

    As part of the Low Emission Freight and Logistics...