
  1. V2GB – Vehicle to Grid Britain

    This study assesses the long-term viability of V2G in...

  2. Understanding the True Value of V2G

    An analysis of the customers and value streams for...

  3. EFES – V2G Data Analysis

    Summary Report - EFES - V2G Data Analysis

  4. EV Charging in Car Parks

    A Study of Innovative Solutions to Charging EVs in...

  5. V2G Market Study

    Answering the preliminary questions for V2G: What, where and...

  6. ACCRA Business Model Study

    Autonomous and Connected vehicles for CleaneR Air...

  7. Low Carbon Truck Trial Report

    Low Carbon Truck and Refuelling Infrastructure Demonstration Trial Evaluation...

  8. HyTEC Hydrogen Vehicle Certification

  9. Plugged-in Fleets

    A guide to deploying electric vehicles in fleets...

  10. Camden Biomethane Trial Results

    The following report details the methodology and results of...