Virtual Bunkering for Electric Vessels (VBEV)
EU V2G project installs innovative energy technologies at City Council
Nottingham City Council will install repurposed EV batteries alongside...
V2G project wins Collaborate to Innovate award
Cenex's EV-elocity project won the Energy to Environment prize...
UK Consortium Wins UK Government Funding to Support the Development of Bi-Directional Boat Charging
Cenex is part of a consortium which has secured...
Case Study
Battery Conditioning for Improved Vehicle to Grid Operation
Dr Truong Bui and Professor James Marco at University...
“No useful accessibility information available for EV users with disabilities”
Cenex is working to improve the chargepoint experience for...
Costed Carbon Reduction with Vehicle-to-Grid
Optimising V2G charging cycles for carbon intensity Many studies...
Case Study
E-Flex Case Study
Case Study
V2G Value Propositions