South West College and Cenex launch electric vehicle strategy toolkit for local authorities
October 2023: As part of its continuing work on...
Case Study
Battery Conditioning for Improved Vehicle to Grid Operation
Dr Truong Bui and Professor James Marco at University...
Costed Carbon Reduction with Vehicle-to-Grid
Optimising V2G charging cycles for carbon intensity Many studies...
Case Study
E-Flex Case Study
Green Smart Community Integrated Energy System (GreenSCIES)
Green Smart Community Integrated Energy System
Sciurus: Domestic V2G Demonstration
Develop and deploy Vehicle-to-Grid charging technology
Exploring the value V2G
Case Study
V2G Britain
The role of V2G in the energy system
V2G demonstration project
Smart, clean Energy and Electric Vehicles for the City (SEEV4-City)
European EV mobility study