Cenex produces Charge Point Procurement Guidance on behalf of the UKEVSE
The document, a general procurement guide for private and...
Cenex and KTN Ltd launch the New Gas Vehicle Hub
New Gas Vehicle Hub provides searchable maps helping fleet...
EV-Lite project completed: exciting developments for the lightweighting of batteries
After two years of intensive collaboration, the EV-Lite project...
Cenex Electric Vehicles deployed to measure air quality in Leicester
The Air Quality Group at the University of Leicester...
Applications open for University Showcase at LCV2014
Cenex, the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC)...
LCV2014 to host Low Carbon Networking Dinner and Awards Ceremony with the LowCVP
Cenex has announced a collaboration with the Low Carbon...
Cenex will be supporting the installation of charge point infrastructure for Gloucestershire County Council
Cenex is providing support and project management for the...
Cenex hosts successful Low Carbon Truck Trial & Workshop Event
Cenex successfully organised and managed a workshop and review...